Lately I feel like I've been questioning myself a lot. What do I think? Where do I stand on certain issues? What if I'm not right? What if there's a better way? And while all of these questions and wondering aren't completely bad, I also think I can overdo it to a point where I have no solid opinion, and any previously held beliefs feel faint and a bit distant. It is good to be flexible and changeable, but it is also essential to feel confident and sure of oneself. And that is where I want to be. What if I just felt sure? What if I just knew certain things? On my run this morning I started to mentally list out what things I felt sure of, and even if I didn't feel completely sure of them, I began to think about the power that would come into me if I just told myself I believed them until I actually did? Here are some things I thought of:
I have all the things at my disposal to be incredibly happy
I am powerful beyond measure
The world is full of good
I will know what I am supposed to do when I need to because God loves me and I can hear His will for me through the spirit
I am loved
My physical appearance doesn't matter
I am capable and smart
I am a good mom
I am a good wife
I am interesting
I have power to do good
I can do anything I put my mind to
Failure is ok, and I can put myself out there and try new things because I am not afraid to fail
I do not need to be anxious
I can change
I feel like many of these may be a bit selfish, but lately I have felt this need to really internally change a few things about myself so I can be a better mom, wife and friend. I want to believe all of these things because I think in doing so I will be able to instill them in my relationships, especially in my kids, and relationships, especially those I have with my kids, are what matter the very most to me. Hannah is in her crib kicking the wall, ready to get out of bed for the morning so I have to wrap this up, but I just want to try to believe these things this week and see what a difference it makes. I want to sit in surety. I want to sit in a feeling of knowing myself, and being confident in myself. I think in years past, especially in my late twenties, I went through a phase of a lot of confidence in who I was and what I know, and I think I still feel that, I just let myself forget occasionally, and I want to get back to sitting in surety.
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